Literacy, Preliteracy and Education Journal2024-06-20T08:58:31+02:00doc. PhDr. PaedDr. Anna Kucharská, Ph.D.anna.kucharska@pedf.cuni.czOpen Journal Systems<p><strong>Aktuální výzva 1/2024</strong> je tematicky zaměřena na roli učitele v rozvoji digitálních kompetencí na všech stupních vzdělávání, více informací <strong><a href="">zde</a></strong>.</p> <p><strong>Aktuální výzva 2/2024 </strong>je otevřena všem autorům, kteří se zabývají oblastí gramotnostního rozvoje, více informací <strong><a href="">zde</a>.</strong></p> <p><strong>Aktuální výzva</strong> <strong>3/2024</strong> anglického čísla je zaměřena na hudební gramotnost a příbuzné oblasti, více informací<strong><a href=""> zde</a></strong>.</p> <p><strong>Aktuálně vyšlo: </strong>nově vydané příspěvky v čísle 1/2023 naleznete <strong><a href="">zde</a>, </strong>v čísle 2/2023 naleznete <strong><a href="">zde</a></strong> a v čísle 3/2023 naleznete <strong><a href="">zde</a></strong>.</p> <p>____________________________________________________________________________________________________________</p> <p>Vítáme Vás na stránkách odborného časopisu Pedagogické fakulty Univerzity Karlovy.</p> <p>Časopis <strong>Gramotnost, pregramotnost a vzdělávání</strong> je odborným recenzovaným časopisem zaměřeným na oblast gramotnosti a vzdělávání v tom nejširším pohledu. Jeho cílem je prostředkovat nové poznání v dané problematice a dát tak podněty pro rozvoj praxe i propojení vědy, výzkumu a praxe. Zaměřuje se na témata čtenářské, matematické, informační a přírodovědné gramotnosti a pregramotnosti, ale také na témata s nimi souvisejícími. Časopis je zároveň platformou pro rozvoj pedagogické psychologie, primární pedagogiky, oborových didaktik, speciální a sociální pedagogiky jako vědních disciplín.</p> <p>Časopis vychází třikrát ročně (duben, srpen, prosinec), příspěvky jsou publikovány v českém a slovenském jazyce. Vždy jedno číslo v každém ročníku je v anglickém jazyce.</p> Test of Silent Word Reading as a Diagnostic Tool for The Identification of Dyslexia in Pupils of School Age2024-06-14T12:34:59+02:00Martina Zubákovázubakova@fedu.uniba.skLucia Krajčovičová<p>The paper introduces a new Slovak diagnostic tool, the Test of Silent Word Reading, designed to assess the fluency of silent reading at word level. This brief test takes only 3 minutes, making it suitable for individual and group administration. It comprises two distinct forms, A and B, facilitating repeated testing for monitoring reading progress. Building on a pilot survey conducted among primary education pupils, the test demonstrated acceptable reliability and strong concurrent validity. The study’s objective was to investigate whether pupils diagnosed with dyslexia perform worse on the Test of Silent Word Reading than their non-dyslexic counterparts and whether this test could be utilized for diagnostic purposes in the future. Analyzing a sample of 23 pupils diagnosed with dyslexia and 23 control pupils without dyslexia from grades 2 to 5 in primary schools, the study confirmed that dyslexic pupils performed significantly worse in both versions of the test (A and B), as evidenced by the observed scores, raw scores, errors, and percentage correct. However, there were no statistically significant differences between the two groups in terms of correction parameters. The observed differences exhibited a moderately strong effect size. The study’s findings suggest that the Test of Silent Word Reading holds promise for future diagnostic applications in identifying dyslexia among school-age children in clinical and educational settings.</p>2023-11-20T00:00:00+01:00Copyright (c) 2024 Mgr. Martina Zubáková, PhD., Mgr. Lucia Krajčovičová for the Development of Arithmetic Skills in Pupils of Younger School Age2024-06-20T08:58:31+02:00Kateřina Skalová Pražákovákaterina.prazakova@mensa.czKlára Špačkováklara.spackova@pedf.cuni.czAnna Kucharská<p>This study aims to map the predictors for the development of arithmetic skills in young school-age pupils. Specifi cally, the research investigation focused on comparing differences in performance between pupils with mathematical learning diffi culties and a control group of pupils. The respondents performed tasks focusing on executive functions, spatial abilities, as well as estimation and symbolisation of quantities. The performance of pupils with MLD (mathematical learning diffi culties) differed from that of children without identifi ed diffi culties, particularly on tests focusing on matching number symbols and on numeracy skills alone. Signifi cant, albeit smaller, differences between groups were also evident in non-symbolic quantity comparison and spatial skills (mental rotation). In terms of accuracy, we did not fi nd statistically signifi cant differences between the groups in any of the areas studied. The results indicate a close correlation between the speed of quantity symbolisation and the level of arithmetic skills.</p>2023-11-20T00:00:00+01:00Copyright (c) 2024 Kateřina Skalová Pražáková, PhDr. Klára Špačková, Ph.D., doc. PaedDr. PhDr. Anna Kucharská, Ph.D. of Screening Questionnaire Results Focusing on Environmental Infl uences when Monitoring the Development of Reading Literacy among Pupils in the 1st Grade of Primary School2024-06-14T11:46:22+02:00Hana Sotáková<p>The paper focuses on environmental infl uences in the development of reading literacy among primary school pupils. We build on data obtained through screening questionnaires for family and teachers, which were created and verifi ed during the standardisation of the PorTex test battery (Porozumění textu/Reading Comprehension, Kucharská et al., 2021) aimed at reading and reading comprehension assessment in Grade 1 - Grade 5 pupils. We believe that environmental factors can have an impact on the development of reading literacy and it is possible to use these environmental factors during interventions for pupils with specific learning diffi culties; they should therefore be included in diagnostics. In the following text, we will present the results of the experimental questionnaires created for the above-mentioned test battery, we will show the potential for using their outputs and how they relate to the pupils’ results in tests of reading, reading comprehension and language awareness. We will also discuss the potential of these questionnaires in diagnostic and counselling practice.</p>2024-06-14T00:00:00+02:00Copyright (c) 2024 PhDr. Hana Sotáková, Ph.D. Kadrnožková<p>On November 16, 2023, the fi rst annual T-Conference for high school students<br>took place, where students presented their professional contributions based on research conducted within their student research and professional activities.</p>2023-10-15T00:00:00+02:00Copyright (c) 2024 PhDr. Monika Kadrnožková, Ph.D.