PAIDEIA: PHILOSOPHICAL E-JOURNAL OF CHARLES UNIVERSITY <div>A peer-reviewed quarterly philosophical e-journal edited by the Faculty of Education of Charles University. Published in January, April, July and October. Texts to be included in quarterly issues are accepted before 15th December, 15th March, 15th June and 15th September. E-journal PAIDEIA was licensed as peer-reviewed scientific journal by the Research and Development Council of the Government of the Czech Republic. Contents of e-journal is archived by the National Library of the Czech Republic. Published since 2004.</div> en-US (Pavel Žďárský) (PAIDEIA, Pedagogická fakulta UK, KOVF) Mon, 20 Feb 2023 00:00:00 +0100 OJS 60 Uncertainty in education <p>Uncertainty is a part and a consequence of thinking more geometrico, which is the basis of the modern age. It is necessary to return to things themselves, to substantive thinking, and to life from one’s own source.</p> Anna Hogenová Copyright (c) 2023 Anna Hogenová Mon, 20 Feb 2023 00:00:00 +0100 Introduction to phenomenology. The natural world in Vladimir Nabokov’s short stories <p>The article provides an introduction to phenomenology by using the Patočka’s description of the natural world. The fundamental dimensions of our natural world are exemplified by Vladimir Nabokov’s early stories.</p> Tomáš Tlapa Copyright (c) 2023 Tomáš Tlapa Mon, 20 Feb 2023 00:00:00 +0100 Praise for inutility in education? <p>The goal of this article is to summarize Konrad Liessmann’s thinking, especially with the focus on current time and education. The article focuses on problematic features of education system in these days. Liessmann speaks about lack of concept, stress on utility and faith in freeing power of education. Liessmann also offers alternatives when he prefers education as asceticism, silence and illusive inutility.</p> Petr Dudek Copyright (c) 2023 Petr Dudek Mon, 20 Feb 2023 00:00:00 +0100 Origin of language and its application to hermeneutics <p>The article aims to present two definitions of language, one from the point of view of traditional structuralism and the other within neurology. Following these definitions, the article then discusses possible hypotheses of the origin of language and emphasizes the concept of understanding. More specifically, in the field of neuroscience, the article pays attention to the concept of mirror neurons and applies it to the issue. The concept of understanding and empathy is highlighted here, and mirror neurons are interpreted with these notions. A kind of synthesis of the above-mentioned topics is then the application of language in understanding to another person. This is a problem to which not only structuralism but also hermeneutics contributes. At this point, the current concept of understanding is also mentioned, with discursive ethics being the most important. The paper is therefore multidisciplinary on the border of philosophy and neuroscience, but also presents various philosophical approaches. The link is then understanding as an ethical maxim.</p> Jan Šteffl Copyright (c) 2023 Jan Šteffl Mon, 20 Feb 2023 00:00:00 +0100 The reflection of the will in arts according to A. Schopenhauer <p>This paper deals with the aesthetic theory of Arthur Schopenhauer, especially with the role of the will in aesthetics. The topics of platonic ideas, the notion of beauty and sublime and the hierarchy in Arts will also be covered.</p> František Kubica Copyright (c) 2023 František Kubica Mon, 20 Feb 2023 00:00:00 +0100 Editorial <p>Dear readers,</p> <p>we present the last issue of the XVIII<sup>th</sup> volume of the e-journal <em>PAIDEIA</em>.</p> <p>You can find here a contribution by Anna Hogenová on the topic of uncertainty in education, which, according to her, is the result of thinking more geometrico. Tomáš Tlapa tries to present the basic dimensions of the natural world, as discussed by Jan Patočka in a dialogue with selected short stories by Vladimir Nabokov. Petr Dudek, in line with Konrad Liessmann, reflects on the theme of inutility in education and Jan Šteffl discusses the origin of language in its application in hermeneutics. František Kubica describes how the will is reflected in art in the view of Arthur Schopenhauer.</p> Pavel Žďárský Copyright (c) 2023 Pavel Žďárský Mon, 20 Feb 2023 00:00:00 +0100