education2024-12-15T22:55:25+01:00Výtvarná výchova OJSvytvarna.vychova@pedf.cuni.czOpen Journal Systems<p>The journal is intended for art educators, didacticians of expressive disciplines, doctoral students and students of art pedagogy, gallery and museum educators, theoreticians of art and visual culture, cultural anthropology, experts and creators working in the field of visual and media studies, as well as experts in curriculum development and educational policy, etc.</p> <p>The aim of the journal is to contribute to the creation of contemporary didactic discourse in broader socio-cultural, historical and comparative contexts. To contribute to the dialogue between the theory and practice of art education and to develop interdisciplinary approaches and art-pedagogical thinking.</p> <p>The journal Art Education is published four times a year. It offers publishing opportunities not only to renowned authors, but also to doctoral students or practitioners. It accepts scholarly studies, discussions, reports or reviews.</p> <p>The Journal of Art Education has been included by the Council for Research, Development and Innovation in the List of peer-reviewed non-impacted periodicals published in the Czech Republic.</p> <p> </p> <p>The following are published in the journal:</p> <p>STUDIES (peer-reviewed)</p> <p>Theoretical studies present new theoretical approaches or concepts, critically analyzing or comparing existing theories based on "vertical insight" into the topic.</p> <p>Review studies provide a comprehensive overview and critical analysis of the nature of phenomena, concepts or theories in a "horizontal view".</p> <p>Methodological studies analyze research approaches, assess their strengths and weaknesses, and show how to properly design research in a particular area of inquiry.</p> <p>Empirical studies report on an empirical research investigation and meet all the requirements of basic, applied or action research. An empirical study should be structured into the following parts: problem formulation, research methods and procedures used, how empirical data were evaluated, research findings and their interpretation, conclusions and discussion, literature review.</p> <p>Historical studies focus on the reconstruction of changes in educational and educational discourses, educational processes, main actors and the role of selected educational institutions.</p> <p>DISCUSSIONS, REPORTS OR REVIEWS (shorter unreviewed texts)</p> <p>Discussions stimulate a sophisticated discussion of pedagogical issues in a sophisticated way and on the basis of professional arguments.</p> <p>The reports briefly and concisely report on current events in the professional community at home and abroad. If it is a report on school practice, it should be analytical and include the context of the issue. Reports may also include medallions of important personalities.</p> <p>Reviews critically and analytically assess recent important publications and evaluate their contribution to the field.</p> and editorial2024-12-15T20:46:37+01:00redakce č<p>Cover and editorial</p>2024-12-15T00:00:00+01:00Copyright (c) 2024 Art education č<p>Logo</p>2024-12-15T00:00:00+01:00Copyright (c) 2024 Art education Staff2024-12-15T20:55:36+01:00redakce č<p>Redakce</p>2024-12-15T00:00:00+01:00Copyright (c) 2024 Art education č<p>Obsah</p>2024-12-15T00:00:00+01:00Copyright (c) 2024 Art education institutions of private collectors and education2024-12-03T11:34:18+01:00redakce č<p>The text presented deals with particular education programs of galleries<br>opened by private collectors in Czech Republic in recent years. Through<br>specific examples discloses an important principles of this<br>type of cultural institutions and their contribution to the society.</p> <div><iframe id="noop" style="visibility: hidden;" src="//"></iframe></div> <div><iframe id="noop" style="visibility: hidden;" src="//"></iframe></div>2024-12-15T00:00:00+01:00Copyright (c) 2024 Art education to do About the Art?2024-12-08T17:13:11+01:00redakce č<p>In the present study, the author examines the contemporary position of visual art and compares two theoretical texts that present different views on art as a catalyst for social change. In Art and Social Transformation: truth, autonomy and social macrostructures (articles of LZ published by this title in translation of Ludvík Hlaváček in 2015), American philosopher Lambert Zuidervaart defends a position on art as a specific social institution, turning away from the traditional modernist grasp of the artwork, while British theorist Claire Bishop, in her article The Social Turn: Collaboration and Its Discontents (2006) criticizes the fact that we are often reluctant to evaluate socially engaged art because of its ethical dimension, as if we were removing it from the category of art. The aim of the study is to problematise the often uncritical acceptance of engaged art as a purifying element and to highlight the situation of contemporary art.</p>2024-12-15T00:00:00+01:00Copyright (c) 2024 Art education Ullman2024-12-08T17:39:57+01:00redakce č<p>This text aims to demonstrate an important educational interpretation prac-<br>tice that is related to the analysis of the educated work, namely to building<br>a justified context for the chosen strategy. In the first part of the text Micha<br>Ullman: sculptures at the interface of heaven and earth, we will explore the<br>work of the author, who started creating in the seventies and whose work<br>is continuously exhibited.<br>In the second part, Strategy and its variations: finding the same while<br>being aware of differences, we theoretically anchor the difference between<br>the specific practice of the author and strategy as a discovered generality.<br>Discovering strategies, being able to understand them in connection with<br>a certain time, means that in case of significant similarities, we simultaneou-<br>sly note differences and place the phenomenon in an adequate context. It is,<br>on the one hand, a very effective educational opportunity to understand the<br>history of the field in contexts and clusters and not to get bogged down in<br>individual cases of authorial solutions, but also an opportunity to obtain an<br>interpretive framework for individual authors by comparing and searching<br>for similarities in substantial differences with others.</p> <div><iframe id="noop" style="visibility: hidden;" src="//"></iframe></div> <div><iframe id="noop" style="visibility: hidden;" src="//"></iframe></div>2024-12-15T00:00:00+01:00Copyright (c) 2024 Art education between Architecture and Mathematics2024-10-10T12:23:57+02:00redakce č<p>The text is an analysis of an educational programme called Architecture, Mathe-<br>matics & Bridges (Arkitektur, matematik & broer) from the permanent offer of<br>educational activities for primary schools of the Danish Architecture Centre<br>(Dansk Arkitektur Center) in Copenhagen, Denmark. The text presents the<br>research methodology, the context of the education situation, educational<br>resources, the course of the programme, and its key moments and layers.</p> <div><iframe id="noop" style="visibility: hidden;" src="//"></iframe></div> <div><iframe id="noop" style="visibility: hidden;" src="//"></iframe></div>2024-12-15T00:00:00+01:00Copyright (c) 2024 Art education with the conclusions of the Background Study of Art Education in Frame Document for Elementary Education2024-12-08T18:04:07+01:00redakce č<p>Disagreement with the conclusions of the Background Study of Art Education in Frame Document for Elementary Education</p>2024-12-15T00:00:00+01:00Copyright (c) 2024 Art education