Sameness and alterity: Alterity as the hope of education


  • Zuzana Svobodová


identity, similarity, sameness, equality, difference, alterity (otherness), power, struggle, education, change (transformation), tradition


Sameness and alterity: Alterity as the hope of education. – The contribution introduces questions that originate from the very nature of the dynamics of education, where change happens. In the dynamics of education, what is ‘identical’, is formed in the environment of the other; it also creates a new form, which, compared to the original form, is different/dissimilar. At the same time, what is ‘identical’, maintains the core, out of which each of the other forms are formed. As an intentional human activity, education should reflect the relations between ‘same’ and ‘other’. This means, above all, enquiring about their origins and purpose as well as reflecting upon their raison d’être. Following such a reflection, the otherness of the environment, in which education takes place, can become both a challenge and hope for education.

Author Biography

Zuzana Svobodová

PhDr. Bc. Zuzana Svobodová, Ph.D. vyučuje na Teologické fakultě Jihočeské Univerzity v Českých Budějovicích, na 3. lékařské fakultě a Husitské teologické fakultě Univerzity Karlovy, na Katedře teologie a filosofie Jaboku – Vyšší odborné školy sociálně pedagogické a teologické a pracuje také jako katechetka. Zabývá se filosofií výchovy, etikou, dějinami vzdělávání a zkoumá vztahy náboženské a kulturní vzdělanosti.

