Unique and universal: the Bildung process of individuality by Sergius Hessen


  • Dariusz Stepkowski


Hessen, Bildung, personality, pedagogical coincidence


Unique and universal: the Bildung process of personality by Sergei Hessen. - Sergei Hessen was a philosopher of education of Russian origin, who after the October Revolution emigrated from Bolshevik Russia and subsequently lived in Germany, Chechoslovakia and finally in Poland. His theory of Bildung was re-discovered in Poland in the 90s of the 20th century. What it distinguishes is desire to reconcile such extremes as individuality and community, person and society, personal formation and school teaching.

Author Biography

Dariusz Stepkowski

Dariusz Stępkowski, Ph.D., associate professor and head of the Department of the Philosophy of Education and General Pedagogy at the Faculty of Educational Sciences of the Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw, Poland.

