The Authentical Reality in Literary Fiction


  • Zuzana Labudová


authenticity, fiction, ethics, ethics of authenticity


The Authentical Reality in Literary Fiction. – The paper interprets the approach to the authenticity in literary theory and philosophy. At the start it mentions the Janoušek’s concept of authenticity as an opposite the fiction, the issue of authenticity of reality outside literature and the approach of the new censorship. Subsequently it takes advantage of the particular example of “authentic” literary diary of Ludvík Vaculík to demonstration of concrete opinions on authenticity in literary creation and in the end it applies the ethics of authenticity theory on the issue of literary diary.

Author Biography

Zuzana Labudová

Mgr. Zuzana Labudová je doktorandkou v oboru aplikované etiky ve studijním programu filosofie na Fakultě humanitních studií Univerzity Karlovy v Praze. Zabývá se etickými aspekty literární činnosti.

