

  • Mikuláš Horský




Dear readers,

we are bringing you the last issue of our e-journal PAIDEIA in this year. This is already the tenth year of this magazine, which tries to offer interesting and inspiring papers of writers of different categories: from the recognized authorities of the Central European importance to young students of various humanities. Despite this relatively broad selection, we strive for a high level of contributions through careful and anonymous peer review reading, which all published texts go through. As one of the confirmations of our high standards we can consider the re-inclusion of the e-journal in The list of non-impact peer-reviewed journals published in the Czech Republic.

In this fourth issue you will find two texts of phenomenological orientation: David Rybák’s text about Edmund Husserl and the possibilities of philosophical life and Anna Hogenová’s text Thoughts about Today, which critically examines the current Cartesian world schedule. Michal Černý in his article seeks inspiration for pedagogy in the work of Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, Petr Kalenský presents his concept of T. G. Masaryk as a humanist and finally Lenka Melicherová tries to grasp axiological system of Slovak writer and literary critic Milan Rúfus.




