Dear readers,
at the end of the summer holidays, on August 23rd, we commemorated an unachieved 85th birth jubilee of the prominent Czech philosopher Prof. Milan Machovec. The third issue of e-journal PAIDEIA therefore brings among other topics a short reflection of one of Machovec’s most pivotal theme, his search of the meaning of human life.
Anna Hogenová studies the problem of emerging of ego, from the phenomenological view. Further, we bring a completion of a study about thinking of Jaroslava Pešková, written by David Rybák, and a contemplation of Zuzana Svobodová on relation among time, education and tradition. The text on Machovec’s conception of the meaning of human life is written by Jiří Šlégl. This issue is concluded by another conception of house/home from authors Miloslav and Martina Průkovi.