Transformation, heart and the other


  • Adéla Malá


ontology, hope, hopelessness, evil


Transformation, heart and the other. – The purpose of this paper is to outline the thinking of the French existentialist philosopher and writer Gabriel Marcel. The starting point is the question of hope and the definition of hopelessness. According to the author hope does not mean that things go in a specific dreamed way. True hope is an endless process of deepening of life, discovering the secrets of existence. Naturally, there is a temptation of despair and hopelessness in this process. By transcending of the desire for property, by overcoming of identification with the suggesting functions, and by accepting the transcendent, transformation takes place. By asking about ontology and realizing the ontological depth, we reach true hope that transcends this world.



2022-02-22 — Updated on 2022-02-23