Kontexty výskumu kultúrno-kreatívnych centier na Slovensku


  • Tomáš Winkler




cultural and creative centre, creative cities, creative industries, urban social movements, transactional activism


Cultural and creative centres are a relatively new phenomenon in the urban environment of Slovakia. Local and state politicians, as well as experts, often automatically link their functioning with the popular urban development concept of creative cities, focusing on the fields of creative economy and creative industries and emphasizing the economic effect of these centres. My qualitative research of the cultural and creative centre Nová Cvernovka in Bratislava showed the thematic diversity of such places in Slovakia and their significant impact on the topics of urban social movements, civic activism, transactional activism, and eventization. Thus, cultural and creative centres are fertile ground (also) for qualitative research in the social sciences. For this reason, a more precise definition of the term and clarification of this scientific concept are needed. The aim of the presented empirical study is to contribute to the definition of cultural and creative centres in Slovakia and to draw attention to several possible areas of their impact on the urban and social environment.

Author Biography

Tomáš Winkler

pôsobí ako vedecký pracovník na Ústave etnológie a sociálnej antropológie SAV v Bratislave. Svoju dizertačnú prácu o rôznych aspektoch občianskeho aktivizmu v bratislavskom kultúrno-kreatívnom centre Nová Cvernovka obhájil v roku 2020. Jeho hlavným odborným záujmom je výskum postsocialistických premien mestského prostredia s dôrazom na problematiky mestských sociálnych hnutí, občianskeho aktivizmu, kultúrno-kreatívnych centier, kreatívneho priemyslu a eventizácie.



How to Cite

Winkler, T. (2025). Kontexty výskumu kultúrno-kreatívnych centier na Slovensku. Lidé města, 23(1), 75-95. https://doi.org/10.14712/12128112.2361


