Bar as Meaningful Place in Migration


  • Zuzana Terry



Anglophone migration, drinking place, third place, expanding diaspora


This paper presents the results of a six-month-long field research conducted in the capital of the Czech Republic in 2013. It is based on the research of a bar visited by Anglophone migrants. It aims to reveal how becoming a bar regular helped migrants to adapt to the new country and maintain their lives there. The studied group of migrants placed important practices into the space of the bar, through which they formed their meaning and memory in a new place, their new home. They domesticated the place to the extent that they had their own seats, glasses, and any newcomer, whether Czech or migrant, was observed and evaluated. The bar played the role of an intimate space; it was home-like and it was socially and materially changed by the migrants. The bar was a place where the migrants’ social bonds were performed and materialised. It was a place in the time and space of real physi­cal contact within a migratory network.

Author Biography

Zuzana Terry

je absolventkou magisterského studia oboru Obecná antropologie na Fakultě humanitních studií UK a oboru Učitelství všeobecně vzdělávacích předmětů na Akcent College. V současnosti je doktorandkou Obecné antropologie na Fakultě humanitních studií UK. Zabývá se antropologií vzdělávání a antropologií migrace, konkrétně strukturálními i vyjednávanými nerovnostmi etnických a sociálních menšin a sdílením migračních zkušeností



How to Cite

Terry, Z. (2025). Bar as Meaningful Place in Migration. Lidé města, 24(3), 389-418.


