Día de Muertos in Contemporary Mexico

Transformations of a Mexican Tradition


  • Petra Ponocná




Mexico, Día de Muertos, Xochimilco, Mexican nationalism, tradition, Halloween


Día de Muertos, the Mexican celebration of death, is considered to be a traditional Mexican celebration by most Mexicans. The majority of them believe that the specificity and magnificence of this feast are unprecedented. Día de Muertos is a product of the syncretism of the Mesoamerican traditions of worshipping the dead and the Catholic celebrations of All Saints’ and All Souls’ Day. Besides this, it is considered to be traditional commemorative ritual; it is also considered to be a symbol of Mexican national identity, and the celebration is supported by Mexican nationalists. Over the past 30 years, the celebration has evolved dramatically and has been influenced by American holiday of Halloween, which is celebrated by more and more people thanks to the influence of modernisation. Despite the fact that the Día de Muertos celebration may seem to be uniform, its local versions differ slightly. The aim of this paper is to describe and to analyse the process of the contemporary changes in this celebration and to approximate its importance in Mexican society, particularly in Querétaro city and in the Xochimilco district in Mexico City. For my research, I used the ethnographic methods of participant observation and interviews.

Author Biography

Petra Ponocná

absolvovala bakalářské a magisterské studium sociální antropologie na Filozofické fakultě Univerzity Pardubice. V současnosti je studentkou doktorského programu Obecná antropologie na Fakultě humanitních studií Univerzity Karlovy. Ve svém výzkumu se zaměřuje na mexický svátek Día de Muertos a jeho současné proměny. Dalšími oblastmi zájmu autorky jsou zejména mexický nacionalismus, konstrukce národní a etnické identity a antropologie globalizace.



How to Cite

Ponocná, P. (2015). Día de Muertos in Contemporary Mexico: Transformations of a Mexican Tradition. Lidé města, 17(3), 439-474. https://doi.org/10.14712/12128112.3385



Antropologický výzkum