Aspekte der Professionalisierung der österreichischen Volksschullehrerschaft in der zweiten Hälfte des 19. Jahrhunderts
profession, professionalization, vocational training, elementary schoolteachers’, professional and social prestige, professional field, professional/teachers’ associationsAbstract
The paper analyses the process of professionalization of elementary school teachers in Austrian hereditary lands of Habsburg monarchy in the second half of the 19th century. With respect to Anglo-Saxon and West German sociological tradition as the indicators for the professionalization vocational training, qualification/further education, special branches, job-prestige, promotions, and professional corporations are used. By the Imperial Elementary School Law since 1869 and in connection with it, there were created four-year teaching institutions which led to professionalization and teaching in elementary schools became a full-time job. The seminar education was expanded by further training opportunities (journals, libraries, conferences, and courses) and its part had place in the academic Niveau (as e.g. Pädagogium were founded in Vienna in 1868). Teachers’ Associations, founded in all Crown Lands, fought as professional for right to co-operate within the new professional field, were liberated from ecclesiastical influences. The slight social prestige of elementary school teachers was substantially increased by granting to the civil service status the unified (even if depending on location) pay-system. Nevertheless, there remained a social gap in relation to university-educated teachers in the higher education levels (Gymnasien, Realschulen, and Realgymnasien).