Beginning of a person’s life path after a stroke


  • Monika Donevová
  • Vanda Hájková


stroke, person after having a stroke, spasticity, robotic therapy, grafomotorika, aphasia, family


The paper offers the reader an insight into the complexity of human life after a stroke. It provides basic orientation in stroke, explains the importance of therapeutic care for the affected person and the role of speech therapy. The aim of the research project is to verify the effect of robotic therapy in patients after stroke with spastic paresis of the hand to alleviate spasticity. Another rescarch aim is to improve the gripping functions of the hand during graphomotor exercises with the consequent effect of the development of communication skills in affected individuals with aphasia. It also deals with the role of family members, who are an important part of the team and who are very emotional and physically supportive after a stroke.


