Osudové setkání. Lucy Sophie Yvonne de Jonquet a Josef kníže Colloredo Mannsfeld


  • Jan Županič

Klíčová slova:

dějiny, Colloredo-Mannsfeld, šlechta, Rakousko-Uhersko, Čechy


Fateful encounter. Lucy Sophie Yvonne de Jonquet and Prince Joseph Colloredo-Mannsfeld. – Prince Colloredo-Mannsfeld is on to the oldest European aristocratic families. Their family dominions are situated mainly in Bohemia and at the beginning of the 20th Century covered area of more than 58 000 hectares. The ruling prince thus belonged the most affluent mans of Austria-Hungary. It is no surprise that the marriage of Prince Joseph (1866–1957) to Lucy Yvonne Graham (1878–1940), born de Jonquet, whose origin was rather mysterious, caused quite a stir that shattered the prestige of the entire family.

Biografie autora

Jan Županič

Prof. PhDr. Jan Županič, Ph.D. je historik, specializuje se především na dějiny šlechtických elit Rakouské monarchie a dějiny habsburské říše v 19. a 20. století.


