Schopenhauer jako základní zdroj tradované originality v myšlení Ladislava Klímy


  • Jan Kratochvíl FHS UK

Klíčová slova:

Ladislav Klíma, Arthur Schopenhauer, Svět jako vědomí a nic, logika, pravda, prvotní příčina


Schopenhauer as a basic source of handed down originality in thinking of Ladislav Klíma. – The article deals with philosophical basis of Czech author Ladislav Klíma focused mainly on its relation with logic, as it is hinted on the begining of his first philosophical work World as Consciousness and Nothing. First theses of work are compared with the similar passages in Schopenhauer’s books and the relation is analyzed. A special attention is paid to Klíma’s refusing of logic in its traditional form and to his attempt to replace it with so called “natural logic”. The handed down originality of Klíma’s thinking is shown as a specific interpretation of Schopenhauers’ work, which offen abandons its basis in unacceptable way in its own meaning. Therefore the originality of Klíma’s thinking could be caused by desinterpretation of its own pattern in some way.

Biografie autora

Jan Kratochvíl, FHS UK

PhDr. Jan Kratochvíl je doktorandem Pracoviště historické sociologie UK FHS.





