Spravedlnost a její ekonomické aspekty


  • Milena Tichá

Klíčová slova:

spravedlnost, ekonomické aspekty spravedlnosti, ekonomie


Justice and its economic aspects. – The article deals with economic aspect of justice. It states that justice is not primarily dealt with by the economic theory although even an economist is confronted with the exposures of justice, especially with different opinions on equitable distribution and redistribution of wealth. When economists start dealing with the economic problems in context and apply other social sciences to the problem, it enables them to start dealing with power and its economic aspects as well.

Biografie autora

Milena Tichá

PhDr. Milena Tichá, CSc., vedoucí oddělení společenských věd na Katedře občanské výchovy a filosofie UK PedF.


