Duševní nemoc a privace domova
Klíčová slova:
domov, duševní nemoc, privace, schizofrenie, daseinsanalytická psychoterapie, fenomenologie, Heidegger, Patočka, BytíAbstrakt
Mental illness and privation of home. – The article tries to perceive mental illness as a privation of the phenomenon of home. Home is understood not only in its psychological or sociological meanings but mainly in its ontological sense. The article gives a brief introduction of the phenomenon of home – described by ancient philosophers (Heraklit, Anaximandros, Plato) as well as phenomenological thinkers of the 20th century (M. Heidegger, J. Patočka). The author sees mental illness as a strange painful situation (Chorismos), which can lead through daseinsanalytic psychotherapy (understood as socratic Epimeleia) to the state of better understanding of Being itself.