Axiologické konštanty poetickej tvorby Milana Rúfusa


  • Lenka Melicherová

Klíčová slova:

etika, poezie, hodnoty, domov, rodina, Bůh


Axiological Constants of Milan Rufus’ Poetic Creation. – Since the mid-twentieth century, Milan Rufus has been part of the most important poets of the Slovak literature. The author understands the full-valuable existence of a literary work as conditioned by a constant intermingling of the aesthetic and ethical moments. In the work of this poet, there are several constants, which are inter alia characterized by the fact that they are based on the spiritual heritage of the Slovak culture and literature. Author looks on the society through Axiology, where home, family and God are dominant. In his poetry, home representing values are extended even to the political and national values, which are displayed with the term of homeland and the term of patriotism. For Milan Rufus the family as the most intimate community does not only represent the starting point, but also the aim of all human effort. The work of this poet is full of sensitive messages, prayers and thanksgiving, which is particularly reflected in the spiritual richness and integrity of his poems.

Biografie autora

Lenka Melicherová

Mgr. Lenka Melicherová, doktorandka Katedry všeobecnej a aplikovanej etiky Univerzity Konštantína Filozofa v Nitre.





