Jinakost jako fenomén dneška


  • Anna Hogenová

Klíčová slova:

jinakost, das Ge-stell, die Machenschaft


Alterity as a phenomenon of today. – The paper presents a phenomenological approach to the issue of otherness. Using Heidegger’s reflection of phenomena “das Ge-stell” and “die Machenschaft”, we can understand our present in its ontological basis. What constitutes our being as inscribed in the machinery of controlling and managing? The article is keen to argue that the metaphysical basis of this constitution is the will to power. “To be” means “to cause the effects” or to be efficient. But such a reign of metaphysics does not allow the other as such. It always tends to reduce the other to itself, to the controllable and manageable system of efficiency. To present the part of phenomenology of this metaphysics is purpose of this article.

Biografie autora

Anna Hogenová

Prof. PhDr. Anna Hogenová, CSc. je vedoucí Katedry filosofie UK HTF a působí též na Katedře občanské výchovy a filosofie UK PedF.


