Pedagogická a humanitární činnost Ludwiga Augusta Frankla (1810–1894)


  • Jan Županič

Klíčová slova:

Ludwig August Frankl, historie, speciální pedagogika, ústav slepců, dobročinnost


The pedagogical and humanitarian activities of Ludwig August Frankl (1810–1894). – The article deals with the pedagogical and humanitarian pursuit of Ludwig August Frankl. Frankl was an active member of the Viennese Jewish community, which in 1850 appointed him a chairman. In 1856 he made a great trip to the Orient. In Jerusalem he founded a school and a charitable institution intended, among other things, for the blind. After his return, he began to intensively engage himself in humanitarian activities, especially protection and care for the blind. Since the beginning of the 1860s, he worked with the Viennese Institute of the blind and succeeded in accepting Jewish pupils since 1871/72.

Biografie autora

Jan Županič

Prof. PhDr. Jan Županic, Ph.D. je historik, specializuje se predevším na dějiny šlechtických elit Rakouské monarchie a dejiny habsburské ríše v 19. a 20. století.


