Autentický čas
Klíčová slova:
arrétón, autenticita, čas, distance, pobyt, privaceAbstrakt
Authentic time is a substantial privation, for it is the remarkable mixture of past, present and future characterized by the absence of presence. What it specifically means in the given situation, is answered by our own arrétón, to which we have to make time by distancing from the present, to experience its nothingness by surrendering to a substantial past. If the being is out of time (Hogen), the presence has no duration (Augustin), a man is the place of roaring (Patočka), the spirit is the knowing will to the origin and is not at home at the beginning (Heidegger), then the authentic time is something original in us, which comes only in the spirit outside of us. When we hurry, we have skipped this foundation in time, it’s been put away (Lévinas).