(Ne)mediálnost filosofie
Klíčová slova:
médium, mediátor, filosofie, duše, péče o duši, věc veřejná, prostředek, bezprostřednost, komunikaceAbstrakt
(Non)mediality of Philosophy. – Can philosophy play an intermediary role (that of a medium)? If so, what does philosophy have to mediate in particular (can it do so?) and to whom? (That is, between whom is philosophy the intermediary/instrument/medium?) Is philosophy a public matter? If so, how and why is it the case? The topic of the article – the media and philosophy – is regarded as a more detailed question of philosophy per se, that is what philosophy is, what it means to philosophize, and what is the relationship between philosophy and the concept of a medium or intermediary relations. Although the question of the position of philosophy towards public media is not of primary concern, considerations on the media status of philosophy also cover the issue of whether philosophy is a public matter, or in what sense it deserves the task of an intermediary.