Meeting at common matter in Czech. Communication, language and mother tongue in the dialogue with Jaroslava Pešková
communication, language, mother tongue, “meeting at common matter”, caring for logosAbstract
Meeting at common matter in Czech. Communication, language and mother tongue in the dialogue with Jaroslava Pešková. – In a tighter or looser relationship to the ideas of Jaroslava Pešková, the article deals with some questions concerning communication and language. The first part is devoted to possible interpretations of the famous formulation of J. Pešková on “meeting at common matter”. The second part goes on with finding (or creating) common language in dialogue. In the third, largest part, mother tongue is discussed, as the basic background the things arise from, and the necessity of its permanent cultivation is stressed. The fourth part deals with problems of harmony between words and things, and also with the caring for logos.