Life as Liturgy
(Ant)wort, ascholia, dialogue, home (oikos), ekklésía, liturgical area, liturgy, (non)existence, (neg)otium, community, dependence-addiction, ora et labora, open and closed soul, willAbstract
Life as Liturgy. – The article presents reflections over a human’s situation – as one of substantial dependence – and examines ways of accessing this dependence. Author explores the meaning of the expressions overt and covert soul (cf. Jan Patočka), goes on to search for the soul’s likeness and its potential of movement, and reveals the human need for relationship. With the example of liturgical space and liturgical action author presents ways to create and care for this constitutive element of life. This is why liturgical space is called educational space by author, and the human is depicted as one who is called beforehand to keep in the process of becoming a living temple – i.e. a place, where the dialogical nature is freely accepted and developed.
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