Experimental Support in Teaching Physics at Lower Secondary Schools

How to Cite

Krišťák, Ľuboš, Stebila, J., & Danihelová, Z. (2013). Experimental Support in Teaching Physics at Lower Secondary Schools. Scientia in Educatione, 4(1), 3-18. https://doi.org/10.14712/18047106.41


The paper mentions the possibilities of using modern interactive methods with supplementary teaching aid in a form of multimedia DVD in teaching the topic — nuclear physics at lower secondary schools in Slovakia. The main part of the paper is a pedagogical research aimed at practical verification of the use effectiveness of multimedia DVD from nuclear physics in real lower secondary school conditions. It is supposed, following a basic pilot research, that the multimedia DVD increases the effectiveness of the teaching process concerning the topic of nuclear physics in the subject Physics in the 9th grade of lower secondary school.


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