Enumerating All Possible Outcomes: An Analysis of Students’ Work

How to Cite

Savard, A., & DeBlois, L. (2013). Enumerating All Possible Outcomes: An Analysis of Students’ Work. Scientia in Educatione, 4(1), 49-62. https://doi.org/10.14712/18047106.44


A variety of contexts in the learning of probability could provide opportunities for students to reason under uncertainty. This kind of reasoning could support students to develop critical thinking practices. This paper presents a study on how children in a grade four classroom developed strategies about enumeration of combinatorics using critical thinking. A preservice teacher taught those students and the analysis of their work showed the procedures they used. Then, these results emerge from a secondary analysis. The results suggest that students need opportunities to develop increasingly sophisticated methods of reasoning probabilistically. This study also suggests that critical thinking is both necessary to develop these modes of reasoning and is developed through this work.


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