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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.

Author Guidelines

Studies and discussion papers should be annotated with keywords in Czech and English and a summary of the literature cited according to the APA standard.

Authors are recommended to use the following template: template_apa_for_casopis_vytvarna_vychova

The length of the papers is limited as follows (including bibliography):

15 standard pages (i.e. 27,000 characters including spaces), with the exception of review studies up to 40 standard pages (i.e. 72,000 characters including spaces) requested by the editors
discussion papers 10 standard pages (i.e. 18 000 characters including spaces),
reviews 5 standard pages (i.e. 9 000 characters including spaces).

If the length of the papers exceeds the length of the submissions, the editors usually return the papers to the authors for shortening.

The text should be accompanied by the author's details (name with all titles, brief professional description, home address, workplace, telephone, e-mail).

The following sentence must appear below the text: 'The submitted text has not been published before, is original and is not being offered to another editorial office for publication'. If the text has already been published in a modified form or is being prepared for publication, the author should indicate the extent of similarity between the texts and specify when and where the text was published or when it is planned to be published.

Texts are accepted by the editors in electronic form, indicating paragraphs, bold, italics, etc. Windows-based text editors may be used, but Microsoft Word is the most suitable; the version is not decisive.

The text should be written continuously and the lines should not be aligned. Use the ENTER key only at the end of a paragraph.

Figures and tables should be embedded in the text, but images must also be sent as separate documents (embedding them in the text will irreversibly degrade the quality of the image). Suitable formats (endings) for the image document are jpg, tiff or psd at a resolution of preferably 300 dpi.

When creating charts, please bear in mind that the printing of the text part is not in colour, and choose shades that are sufficiently tonal differentiated after conversion to grey scale. It is best to save the charts in black and white.

Unsolicited manuscripts are not returned or proofread by the editors.

Thank you for respecting these guidelines, which will help to make the review process and the interaction between the author and the editors more flexible.

If you have any questions, please contact the editorial office at


Only original work that has not been published in that form before and that has not been submitted for publication in another medium is published in Art Education. The aim of the journal is to bring the results of research, to promote scientific discussion and professional growth of scientists and teachers, as well as students of doctoral programmes. The editors accept theoretical studies, review studies, empirical studies, methodological studies, polemical (discussion) papers, reports or reviews.

All studies are subject to anonymous peer review. Other types of papers are considered by the Executive Editorial Board.

Definition of the different types of studies:

Theoretical studies present or analyse theoretical approaches to selected problems in the following thematic areas: art history and comparison, visual studies, theory of art education and culture with the possibility of interdisciplinary overlap.

The author of the theoretical study must demonstrate a high degree of abstract and analytical thinking and the ability to have a "vertically oriented" deep insight into the issues. The structuring of the text is guided by the content aspects of the specific topic under discussion.

Survey studies present a comprehensive overview and critical analysis of the nature and historical changes of phenomena, theories or concepts in the field of art, culture and education.

The preparation of a review study is conditioned by the ability to analytically penetrate the essence of the issue, but to grasp it in a broad horizontal view from different aspects with a synthesizing perspective.

Methodological studies analyze and evaluate, above all, new research and didactic approaches, methods and tools of arts pedagogy. A prerequisite is to state the characteristics of the technique under discussion - its reliability, validity, parameters of standardization, etc.

An empirical study presents specific findings from art-pedagogical practice obtained on the basis of discipline-specific didactic methods within the framework of an empirical research investigation. An empirical study must be clearly structured into sections: formulation of the research plan, objectives, problem and questions, research methods and procedures used to collect and evaluate empirical data, research findings and their interpretation, discussion and conclusions, and a review of the literature.


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