What to do About the Art?
The Position of Engaged Art
contemporary art, socially engaged art, art colleges, kitsch, participatory art, Claire Bishop, Lamber ZuidervaartAbstract
In the present study, the author examines the contemporary position of visual art and compares two theoretical texts that present different views on art as a catalyst for social change. In Art and Social Transformation: truth, autonomy and social macrostructures (articles of LZ published by this title in translation of Ludvík Hlaváček in 2015), American philosopher Lambert Zuidervaart defends a position on art as a specific social institution, turning away from the traditional modernist grasp of the artwork, while British theorist Claire Bishop, in her article The Social Turn: Collaboration and Its Discontents (2006) criticizes the fact that we are often reluctant to evaluate socially engaged art because of its ethical dimension, as if we were removing it from the category of art. The aim of the study is to problematise the often uncritical acceptance of engaged art as a purifying element and to highlight the situation of contemporary art.
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