Ztracené bohémství v Bohémii.

Transnacionální baťůžkáři a lifestyloví migranti v Českém Krumlově


  • Markéta Slavková



Klíčová slova:

transnationalism, lifestyle migration, backpackers, tourism, Český Krumlov


This study presents the innovative results of repeated ethnographic research and brings insight into the contemporary phenomena of lifestyle migration and backpacking. The studied issue is examined on the example of several groups of foreigners in Český Krumlov, Czechia in the period between approximately 1995 and 2015. These groups were located around several hostels. The main focus is placed on the life trajectories and lifestyle preferences of the studied groups, which are illustrated on the stories of particular actors. In conclusion, the transnational backpackers and lifestyle migrants in Krumlov, i.e., on the alleged “new left bank”, were searching for happier and more content lives. Lifestyle migration was perceived as a certain escape from modernity, consumerism, and materialism. In the first decade of the 21st century, the lifestyle of many of the transnational backpackers could be compared to Bauman’s “vagabond”, nevertheless, presently, the town is “flooded” with tourists. These shifts in the tourism industry according to the majority of the transnational backpackers and lifestyle migrants had a negative impact on the town’s “magic”, which has begun to disappear due to its gentrification and disneylandization.

Biografie autora

Markéta Slavková

absolvovala doktorské studium na Fakultě humanitních studií UK, dále působila jako postdoktorská výzkumnice na Univerzitě Komenského v Bratislavě a na Etnologickém ústavu AV ČR. V rámci výzkumu se specializuje na problematiku antropologie jídla, politické antropologie a dále pak transnacionalismus, nacionalismus, identity a ozbrojené konflikty. Do její regionální specializace patří země bývalé Jugoslávie (zejména Bosna a Hercegovina), Česká republika, Slovensko, Austrálie a Indie. V současnosti působí jako lektorka v oblasti antropologie a historie jídla a zároveň i specialistka na problematiku západního Balkánu na Prague Security Studies Institute (PSSI).




Jak citovat

Slavková, M. (2023). Ztracené bohémství v Bohémii.: Transnacionální baťůžkáři a lifestyloví migranti v Českém Krumlově. Lidé města, 25(1), 47-77. https://doi.org/10.14712/12128112.3003



Antropologický výzkum