Relačný koncept takzvaného bezdomovstva a závislosť na sociálnej službe útulku pre „ľudí bez domova“ alias konštrukcia alternatívneho domova


  • Veronika Špirková


Klíčová slova:

homelessness, homeless, shelterization, community, home


The homelessness is defined differently by various experts. The case study is intended to present homeless people as a class of people without conventional housing, internally based on a relational concept shaped largely by a symphatetic social network that connects these people and offers them a survival adaptation mechanism in a given life situation. Study is based on homeless shelter ethnographic research executed throughout the years 2017–2019 in a position of social worker assistant in Czech Republic. It is a product of engaged anthropology with its role of presenting negatively effecting situations as a way of adjustment to special homeless situation of a person, supported by adequate quotations of homeless people in each chapter. The aim of the study is to describe the so-called dependency on a shelter viewed by the major society and social services within the terms of creating of an essential alternative home.

Biografie autora

Veronika Špirková

absolvovala v roku 2017 štúdium etnológie na Ústave etnologie Filozofickej fakulty UK v Prahe a v súčasnosti je študentkou jeho doktorandského programu. V popredí jej bádateľského záujmu stoja sociálne a kultúrne elementy súvisiace s fenoménom bezdomovstva.




Jak citovat

Špirková, V. (2019). Relačný koncept takzvaného bezdomovstva a závislosť na sociálnej službe útulku pre „ľudí bez domova“ alias konštrukcia alternatívneho domova. Lidé města, 21(3), 315-339.


