Plečnikovo místo mezi náboženskými kulturami


  • Martin C. Putna


Klíčová slova:

Jože Plečnik, Catholic milieu, Masaryk´s philosophy of religion, Slovenia, Vienna


The Slovenian architect Jože Plečnik is known both for his ardent Roman Catholic religiosity as for his work for the Czechoslovak president, liberal religious thinker President Masaryk. Less attention has been paid to the question how these two religious cultures were compatible in his worldviews and his self-reflection. We search for the answer primarily with the help of Plečnik’s correspondence with religious personalities belonging to the Slovenian, the Austrian and the Czech culture, as well as with the help of the memoirs of Plečnik’s pupils and friends. The solution is offered by an analogy to Plečnik’s own architectonical work. His work is based on the principles and motifs of Greek and Roman architecture, but these “inherited” elements are freely modified and combined with elements of a different origin – so his religious worldview is based on beliefs and social stereotypes (and prejudices) of the contemporary Catholic milieu, but again, these elements are freely adapted and combined with other, “heterogeneous”, motifs. This internal freedom makes Plečnik’s enthusiasm plausible both for the Catholic Church and for the “anti-Catholic” President Masaryk. Although Plečnik declares himself to be an artist and a man deeply rooted in traditions – in practice, he creates and thinks as a typically “modern”, individualistic “homo religiosus”.

Biografie autora

Martin C. Putna

je literární a kulturní historik, specializuje se na vztah kultury a náboženství. Vystudoval filologii a teologii, v roce 1998 se habilitoval ze srovnávací literatury. Od roku 1992 vyučuje na Karlově univerzitě (do roku 2006 na Filozofické fakultě, poté na Fakultě humanitních studií). V letech 2004–05 byl zastupujícím profesorem na univerzitě v Řezně v Bavorsku, 2007–08 pobýval v rámci Fulbrightova badatelského programu na Boston College v USA. Spoluzaložil revui Souvislosti a Českou křesťanskou akademii. V poslední době vydal např. monografie Obrazy z kulturních dějin americké religiozity (Praha 2010) a Česká katolická literatura v kontextech 1918–1945 (Praha 2010) a další knihy původní či překladové.




Jak citovat

Putna, M. C. (2012). Plečnikovo místo mezi náboženskými kulturami. Lidé města, 14(1), 45-71.


