Peeling the Bratislava Onion

(Collective Memory in Incomplete Communities)


  • Peter Salner


Klíčová slova:

Bratislava, Jews, collective memory, 20th century


In his memoirs, Günter Grass used the analogy of “peeling the onion” and he gradually peeled off layers of his memories. This procedure did not work in researching the Bratislava (not only the Jewish) society of the 20th century. Due to historic events, several significant city-forming elements of the inhabitants disappeared from the Bratislava demographic map (but also from the memory of most contemporaries). Prior to the Holocaust, Orthodox Jews predominated in the city. Today, they make up a negligible, even forgotten minority. A similar fate affected the Zionists, too. According to available data, 10,000 Jewish people left Slovakia between 1945 and 1949; of them, 90% chose Palestine/Israel as their target country. Migrants from the countryside replaced them. However, they were not able to make up for past losses, either in terms of quantity or quality. There was enough evidence that “peeling of onion” is not suitable if the studied sample does not represent a whole spectrum of a given environment. If this method were mechanically applied, it would result in a simplified picture of both the Jewish community and the city in which it lived. It is also important to consider the fact that the Holocaust influenced not only the demographic community structure, but also the value system of its members. Thus, there is the seemingly paradoxical procedure of “wrapping the onion up.”

Biografie autora

Peter Salner

is employed as a researcher at the Institute of Ethnology of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, where he specializes in urban ethnology and the social culture of the Jewish community in the 20th century. He teaches at the Department of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology of Comenius University in Bratislava and at the Faculty of Humanities of Charles University in Prague. He has published more than 100 studies and several scientific monographs: Prežili holokaust. Bratislava 1997; (They Survived the Holocaust [1997]); Premeny Bratislavy 1939–1993. Bratislava 1998; (Transformations of Bratislava [1939–1993]); Židia na Sloven­sku medzi tradíciou a asimiláciou. Bratislava 2000; (The Slovak Jews between Tradition and Assimilation); (Môj) židovský humor (Židovský vtip a identita). Bratislava 2002; (My) Jewish Humor (Jewish Joke and Identity); Cesty k identite. Bratislava 2005; (Ways to Identity); Bratislavské kaviarne a viechy. Bratislava 2006; (The Bratislava Cafés and Pubs); Budúci rok v Bratislave alebo Stretnutie. Bratislava 2007; (Next Year in Bratislava or a Reunion); Mozaika židovskej Bratislavy. Bratislava 2007; (Mosaic of Jewish Bratislava); Salner & Kvasnica M.: Chatam Sofer Memoriál. Bratislava 2002; (Chatam Sofer Memorial).




Jak citovat

Salner, P. (2008). Peeling the Bratislava Onion: (Collective Memory in Incomplete Communities). Lidé města, 10(2), 7-23.


