Editor's Notes


  • David Verbuč




Next year will be 15 years since we added English editions to Lidé města / Urban People (the journal itself has existed since 1999, and in its first seven years was only published in the Czech language). During these years of maturation, we have graduated into a high-quality interdisciplinary and international journal of urban anthropology, as we continue raising our standards. Part of this process of transformation involves some recent innovations that we initiated last year, which can also be directly or indirectly observed in our new issue (23/2).

Author Biography

David Verbuč

earned his PhD in ethnomusicology at UC Davis, California, USA, were he was also employed as a teaching assistant. His dissertation, ‘Living Publicly’: House Shows, Alternative Venues, and the Value of Place and Space for American DIY Communities, is an anthropological study of DIY music venues, scenes, and communities in the US. David Verbuč is currently employed as a lecturer at the Faculty of Humanities, Charles University, Prague, in the Czech Republic. He is continuing with his research of alternative and other types of music venues and scenes, this time in Prague.




How to Cite

Verbuč, D. (2025). Editor’s Notes. Lidé města, 23(2), 133-134. https://doi.org/10.14712/12128112.2366


