Modern Anti-Semitism in the Czech Lands between the Years 1895–1989

A Comparison of the Main Stages of the Most Influential Parts of Czech Nationalism


  • Blanka Soukupová



anti-Semitism, nationalism, anti-Zionism, Jews


This study specifies and characterizes the phases of modern Czech anti-Semitism, which it defines as a range of mutually interdependent anti-Jewish manifestations. In each of these phases (anti-Semitism in Austro-Hungary, in the First Republic, in the Second Republic, during the Protectorate and after World War II) it analyzes not only specific manifestations of escalating Czech nationalism, but especially the social functions of anti-Semitism.

Author Biography

Blanka Soukupová

was born in 1965. She is a researcher and teacher at the Faculty of Humanities of Charles University in Prague. In 2008 she became associate professor at the Philosophical Faculty of Charles University, Department of Economics and Social Studies. Her specializations are collective identity, the Central European city, and anti-Semitism. Her publications include: Modernizace, identita, stereotyp, konflikt. Společnost po hilsneriádě [Modernization, Identity, Stereotype, Conflict. Society after the Hilsner Affair], Bratislava 2004 (with Peter Salner); Velké a malé českožidovské příběhy z doby intenzivní naděje [Great and Petty Czech-Jewish Stories: from the Days of Intense Hope], Bratislava 2005; The Central European City as a Space for Dialogue? (Examples: Prague and Warsaw), Bratislava 2006 (with A. Stawarz, Z. Jurková and H. Novotná); Město, identita, paměť [City, Identity, Memory], Bratislava 2007 (with H. Novotná, Z. Jurková and A. Stawarz); Židovská menšina za druhé republiky [Jewish Minority during the Second Republic], Praha 2007; Židovská menšina v Československu po druhé světové válce [Jewish Minority after the Second World War], Praha 2009 (with P. Salner and M. Ludvíková); Evropské město: Identita, symbol, mýtus [European City: Identity, Symbol, Myth], Bratislava 2010 (with H. Novotná and Z. Jurková).




How to Cite

Soukupová, B. (2011). Modern Anti-Semitism in the Czech Lands between the Years 1895–1989: A Comparison of the Main Stages of the Most Influential Parts of Czech Nationalism. Lidé města, 13(2), 235-260.


