K odrazu české filosofie výchovy ve světě
Klíčová slova:
výchova, zdroje výchovy, smysl výchovy, Komenský a výchova, Jan Patočka a výchova, výzkum Komenského děl ve 20. století, zastoupení Komenského děl v teoriích výchovyAbstrakt
To the Reflection of Czech Philosophy of Education in the World. – The paper deals with both Comenius’ writings and researches and recently released Jan Patočka’s correspondence with other domestic and mainly foreign researchers on Comenius. The aim of this presentation is to demonstrate the impact of Comenius’ philosophy of education and its roots and developments, what thoughts on education are included in Comenius’ works, and how they are reflected in the theory of education. Special attention will be devoted to the question: what features of Comenius’ understanding of education were essential for Jan Patočka and why they were important?