Micha Ullman

specific and general


  • redakce časopisu




Action, space, specific, general, analysis of the work, content of the work, education


This text aims to demonstrate an important educational interpretation prac-
tice that is related to the analysis of the educated work, namely to building
a justified context for the chosen strategy. In the first part of the text Micha
Ullman: sculptures at the interface of heaven and earth, we will explore the
work of the author, who started creating in the seventies and whose work
is continuously exhibited.
In the second part, Strategy and its variations: finding the same while
being aware of differences, we theoretically anchor the difference between
the specific practice of the author and strategy as a discovered generality.
Discovering strategies, being able to understand them in connection with
a certain time, means that in case of significant similarities, we simultaneou-
sly note differences and place the phenomenon in an adequate context. It is,
on the one hand, a very effective educational opportunity to understand the
history of the field in contexts and clusters and not to get bogged down in
individual cases of authorial solutions, but also an opportunity to obtain an
interpretive framework for individual authors by comparing and searching
for similarities in substantial differences with others.



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Internetové zdroje

Givon Art Gallery, Micha Ullman [online] © 2023 [cit. 12. 04. 2023]. Dostupné z:


Wikipedia. Prázdná knihovna [online] © 2023 [cit. 02. 08. 2023]. Dostupné z:

Prázdná knihovna – Wikipedie (wikipedia.org)

Micha Ullman – Sand Clock Exhibition at the Israeli National Museum [online]

6. 2013 [cit. 02. 08. 2023]. Dostupné z: https://www.youtube.com/


Wikipedie, Micha Ullman [online] © 2023 [cit. 02. 08. 2023]. Dostupné z: Micha

Ullman – Wikipedie (wikipedia.org)

Jiří Příhoda, PRIHODAars 2002–2023 [online] © 2023 [cit. 4. 8. 2023].

Dostupné z: https://www.jiriprihoda.cz/spojit-nebe-se-zemi-1986-88/

Oblastní galerie Vysočiny v Jihlavě. Jiří Příhoda: intervence Sochařský park

hrad Roštejn.

[online] © 2023 [cit. 5. 8. 2023]. Dostupné z: https://ogv.cz/


Dalibor Chatrný [online] © 2023 [cit. 4. 8. 2023]. Dostupné z: https://dalibor.




How to Cite

časopisu, redakce. (2024). Micha Ullman: specific and general. Art Education, 64(1_2). https://doi.org/10.14712/26950669.4561