About the Journal

The History – Theory – Criticism journal aims to inspire and develop critical and innovative approaches to the past. Attention is given to explicit reflection on the theory and methods of historical writing. The journal is open to theoretically focused texts as well as studies which apply theoretical approaches and concepts and test them on empirical material. In addition to the main section Studies and Essays, which mainly presents the results of long-term research, the journal offers a discussion-oriented content. It features Discussion and Disputes as well as Reviews and Reflections sections. The latter two allow scholars to discuss some of the current issues in historical science. The History – Theory – Criticism journal also maintains a long tradition of publishing parallel and collaborative reviews, which offer a more comprehensive and multifaceted reflection on historical studies.

Papers may be presented in Czech and English. The journal has long served as an important mediator in academic cross-cultural exchange, for example through organising lectures by visiting scholars or contributing to the development of specialised terminology in Czech. In this way, it is becoming a platform that brings together authors from different academic and linguistic backgrounds (and thus goes far beyond the English-Czech linguistic dichotomy). The History – Theory – Criticism journal welcomes interdisciplinary papers and has long been publishing texts by early career as well as already established scientists. Submissions are assessed for consistency with the journal's profile by a rigorous, mutually anonymous peer review process.             

The History – Theory – Criticism journal was founded as a non-profit, peer-reviewed scholarly journal in January 2004. Its aim is to foster theoretically oriented discussions and to present methodologically inspiring approaches in historical research. It was first published by the Masaryk Institute and Archives of the Czech Academy of Sciences and since 2011, it has been published and financially supported by the Faculty of Humanities, one of the seventeen faculties of Charles University. The Faculty of Humanities has a significant interdisciplinary character and offers specialisation in interdisciplinary historical research, such as historical anthropology or historical sociology. As such, the faculty adds to the broad research portfolio at Charles University, one of the oldest universities in Europe, founded in Prague in 1348 as the first university in Central Europe.

The Faculty of Humanities is committed to maintaining a quality journal and high editorial standards; therefore, the History – Theory – Criticism journal is run by experienced, internationally recognized scholars. In 2021, Petr Wohlmuth became its Editor-In-Chief, taking over from Veronika Čapská who ran the journal since 2015, when she succeeded Pavel Himl. Another founding editor, Martin Nodl, worked at the journal from 2004 to 2021. The magazine welcomes guest editors for special thematic issues.