Information For Authors

If you would like to submit a manuscript for peer review, please contact the journal's Executive Editor, Peter Wohlmuth, first.

You should check the DTK Ethical Code requirements, listing the responsibilities of the authors, and also the DTK Manual of Style.

The journal is open to a plurality of expert opinions. Therefore, it accepts all thematically relevant contributions. Manuscripts are reviewed anonymously by two independent reviewers, whose evaluation is the basis for the editorial board's acceptance of manuscripts. In the case of a difference in evaluation, a third review is commissioned. The reviewers recommend either to publish, not to publish, or to publish the manuscript after editing. The author is informed of the results of the review process and any suggestions for modifications by the editors as soon as possible.

Unsolicited manuscripts are not returned by the editors. Manuscripts are accepted in MsWord format (*.docx) at the contact addresses of the journal. The length of the article, including notes, should not exceed 40 standard pages (72,000 characters including spaces), the length of the discussion paper should be at least 15 standard pages, and the length of the review should be at least 3 standard pages. All manuscripts should respect the Manual of style of the journal, be accompanied by a Czech or English abstract (100 to 200 words), and a draft of four to five keywords. The editors reserve the right to edit the texts for language; all stylistic and other changes are subject to the author's review during proofreading.

The journal is fully open access scholarly publication. More information in our Copyright Statement here.

The journal does not collect any fees from authors in any context.