About the Journal

The History – Theory – Criticism journal aims to inspire and develop critical and innovative approaches to the past. Attention is given to explicit reflection on the theory and methods of historical writing. The journal is open to theoretically focused texts as well as studies which apply theoretical approaches and concepts and test them on empirical material. In addition to the main section Studies and Essays, which mainly presents the results of long-term research, the journal offers a discussion-oriented content. It features Discussion and Disputes as well as Reviews and Reflections sections. The latter two allow scholars to discuss some of the current issues in historical science. The History – Theory – Criticism journal also maintains a long tradition of publishing parallel and collaborative reviews, which offer a more comprehensive and multifaceted reflection on historical studies. The journal is indexed in the SCOPUS, ERIH PLUS, EBSCOhost and CEEOL databases. More information here.

Current Issue

No. 1 (2024)
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