Predictors for the Development of Arithmetic Skills in Pupils of Younger School Age


  • Kateřina Skalová Pražáková The Department of Psychology of the Education Faculty Charles University
  • PhDr. Klára Špačková, Ph.D. The Department of Psychology of the Education Faculty Charles University
  • doc. PaedDr. PhDr. Anna Kucharská, Ph.D. The Department of Psychology of the Education Faculty Charles University


Klíčová slova:

mathematics, mathematical skills, arithmetic skills, younger school age, dyscalculia, mathematical learning diffi culties


This study aims to map the predictors for the development of arithmetic skills in young school-age pupils. Specifi cally, the research investigation focused on comparing differences in performance between pupils with mathematical learning diffi culties and a control group of pupils. The respondents performed tasks focusing on executive functions, spatial abilities, as well as estimation and symbolisation of quantities. The performance of pupils with MLD (mathematical learning diffi culties) differed from that of children without identifi ed diffi culties, particularly on tests focusing on matching number symbols and on numeracy skills alone. Signifi cant, albeit smaller, differences between groups were also evident in non-symbolic quantity comparison and spatial skills (mental rotation). In terms of accuracy, we did not fi nd statistically signifi cant differences between the groups in any of the areas studied. The results indicate a close correlation between the speed of quantity symbolisation and the level of arithmetic skills.


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