3/2023 VARIA
Editors: Anna Kucharská
The call of the third issue is open to all authors dedicated to the field of initial reading. Authors can publish papers that they will present at the conference Initial Reading: I Read and Become a Reader (Paths Linking Research and Practice) 9/21/2022 at PedF UK. Papers can also address the following topics: didactic aspects of reading and writing, problems in the development of literacy skills, activities of schools of organizations to promote reading and reading, pre-literacy and its support, development and its support, development of reading literacy and pre-literacy, diagnostic materials and topics for work teachers. The call is also open to other authors dedicated to reading literacy and pre-literacy.
Please note the following dates:
31th August 2023: Abstract submission deadline
24th September 2023: Full (invited) manuscript submission deadline
November 2023: Anticipated publication date
Proposed abstracts should be submitted to the journal address: monika.kadrnozkova@pedf.cuni.cz
Please clearly state the name and the contact details of the lead author.