
  • Prague Journal of English Studies

    The Prague Journal of English Studies is an open-access annual peer-reviewed academic journal that invites both international and Czech contributions and aims to be a forum for scholars working in the fields of literary studies and linguistics concerning the English-speaking world. We seek submissions of articles on English, American and other English written literatures ranging from Chaucer to the present that reflect the wide spectrum of current critical and theoretical approaches. Cultural studies articles relevant to English language and literature are also welcome. The linguistics section of the journal is also receptive to a variety of perspectives in linguistic theory and linguistic description of English, with special attention given to corpus linguistics, stylistics, text and discourse analysis.

  • Lidé města

    Lidé města / Urban People is an international peer-reviewed journal of social and cultural anthropology, with a specific focus on topics related to urban anthropology. The journal’s goal is to foster high-standard and ethically responsible academic research, the dissemination of findings and knowledge, and academic discussions. It is issued three times per year: twice in Czech and/or Slovak language (issues 1 and 3) and once in English (issue 2).


  • Gramotnost, pregramotnost a vzdělávání

    The current call for submissions for issue 1/2025 is thematically focused on "to be specified," more information can be found here.

    The current call for submissions for issue 2/2025 is open to all authors working in the field of literacy development, more information can be found here.

    The current call for submissions for issue 3/2025 (in English) is focused on "to be specified," more information can be found here.

    Recently published: you can find the newly released contributions in issue 1/2024 here, in issue 2/2024 here, and in issue 3/2024 here.



    Welcome to the web pages of the newly established journal of the Faculty of Education of Charles University.

    The Literacy, Preliteracy and Education Journal is a peer-reviewed journal which specializes in the field of literacy and education in their broadest terms. Its goal is to mediate new knowledge in the field and thus to provide impulses that will stimulate further development in the field, and to strengthen the link between research and praxis. The Journal deals with reading, mathematical, informational and science literacy and pre-literacy and with related topics. It also serves as a basis for the development of educational psychology, primary pedagogy and departmental didactics, and special and social pedagogy as research subjects.

    The Journal is published three times a year (in April, August and December); the two main languages of the journal are Czech and Slovak. One English issue of the Journal is published each year.

  • Dějiny – teorie – kritika

    The History – Theory – Criticism journal aims to inspire and develop critical and innovative approaches to the past. Attention is given to explicit reflection on the theory and methods of historical writing. The journal is open to theoretically focused texts as well as studies which apply theoretical approaches and concepts and test them on empirical material. In addition to the main section Studies and Essays, which mainly presents the results of long-term research, the journal offers a discussion-oriented content. It features Discussion and Disputes as well as Reviews and Reflections sections. The latter two allow scholars to discuss some of the current issues in historical science. The History – Theory – Criticism journal also maintains a long tradition of publishing parallel and collaborative reviews, which offer a more comprehensive and multifaceted reflection on historical studies. The journal is indexed in the SCOPUS, ERIH PLUS, EBSCOhost and CEEOL databases. More information here.

  • Art education

    The journal is intended for art educators, didacticians of expressive disciplines, doctoral students and students of art pedagogy, gallery and museum educators, theoreticians of art and visual culture, cultural anthropology, experts and creators working in the field of visual and media studies, as well as experts in curriculum development and educational policy, etc.

    The aim of the journal is to contribute to the creation of contemporary didactic discourse in broader socio-cultural, historical and comparative contexts. To contribute to the dialogue between the theory and practice of art education and to develop interdisciplinary approaches and art-pedagogical thinking.

    The journal Art Education is published four times a year. It offers publishing opportunities not only to renowned authors, but also to doctoral students or practitioners. It accepts scholarly studies, discussions, reports or reviews.

    The Journal of Art Education has been included by the Council for Research, Development and Innovation in the List of peer-reviewed non-impacted periodicals published in the Czech Republic.


    The following are published in the journal:

    STUDIES (peer-reviewed)

    Theoretical studies present new theoretical approaches or concepts, critically analyzing or comparing existing theories based on "vertical insight" into the topic.

    Review studies provide a comprehensive overview and critical analysis of the nature of phenomena, concepts or theories in a "horizontal view".

    Methodological studies analyze research approaches, assess their strengths and weaknesses, and show how to properly design research in a particular area of inquiry.

    Empirical studies report on an empirical research investigation and meet all the requirements of basic, applied or action research. An empirical study should be structured into the following parts: problem formulation, research methods and procedures used, how empirical data were evaluated, research findings and their interpretation, conclusions and discussion, literature review.

    Historical studies focus on the reconstruction of changes in educational and educational discourses, educational processes, main actors and the role of selected educational institutions.

    DISCUSSIONS, REPORTS OR REVIEWS (shorter unreviewed texts)

    Discussions stimulate a sophisticated discussion of pedagogical issues in a sophisticated way and on the basis of professional arguments.

    The reports briefly and concisely report on current events in the professional community at home and abroad. If it is a report on school practice, it should be analytical and include the context of the issue. Reports may also include medallions of important personalities.

    Reviews critically and analytically assess recent important publications and evaluate their contribution to the field.


    A peer-reviewed quarterly philosophical e-journal edited by the Faculty of Education of Charles University. Published in January, April, July and October. Texts to be included in quarterly issues are accepted before 15th December, 15th March, 15th June and 15th September. E-journal PAIDEIA was licensed as peer-reviewed scientific journal by the Research and Development Council of the Government of the Czech Republic. Contents of e-journal is archived by the National Library of the Czech Republic. Published since 2004.
  • Orbis scholae

    Orbis scholae is a journal published by Charles University in Prague in cooperation with Masaryk University in Brno. It features articles on school education in the wider socio-cultural context. It aims to contribute to our understanding and the development of school education, and to the reflection of teaching practice and educational policy. One issue per year is published in English as a special (monothematic) issue to which guest editors invite papers through “calls for papers”.

    Starting from 2010, Orbis scholae is indexed in the international database Education Research Complete (available through EBSCO).

    Starting from 2013, Orbis scholae is included in the CEEOL database.

    Since 2013 Orbis scholae is listed in SCOPUS.

    Starting from 2015, Orbis scholae is included in the ERIH PLUS.

    Starting from 2018, Orbis scholae is included in the DOAJ database.

    The journal is archived in Portico.

  • Pedagogika

    About the Journal

    IssueThe journal Pedagogika has been coming out since 1951 as a specialist academic journal on education which respects contemporary standards of quality of academic publishing. Originally it was published by the Ministry of Education but it soon came under the Comenius Institute of Education of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences. Since 1994 it has been published by Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Education.

    The journal Pedagogika contributes to the development of academic understanding in education and to the cultivation of professional opinions. This it does through both the overall selection and the orientation of articles, the rigorous demands made on them and observation of ethical principles of publishing.

    The journal publishes reviewed academic studies, discussions on current issues, reviews of relevant publications as well as analytical reports on important events in the professional community. Pedagogika publishes the following types of academic studies: theoretical, historical, review, methodological and research papers. Pedagogika journal is usually published four times a year. Two issues are monothematic, one being interational with texts published in foreign languages. Pedagogika journal also publishes foreign language texts in standard issues. 

    Pedagogika is an open access journal. By a submission of a text authors agree with its publication and accept the open access policy. Content of the journal is freely available to all readers and institutions. Users are allowed to read, download, copy, print, distribute, search and refer to full texts of the articles without a permission of the author and publisher. Pedagogika journal applies Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 (CC BY 4.0).

    Pedagogika journal is indexed in international databases DOAJ, ERIH PLUS, EBSCO and Ulrich’s. 

    ISSN: 0031-3815 (print), 2336-2189 (online)
    Journal web pages:
    Journal system pages:

  • Učitel matematiky

    Časopis vydává Jednota českých matematiků a fyziků, ve spolupráci s Fakultou přirodovědně-humanitní a pedagogickou Technické univerzity v Liberci a s Pedagogickou fakultou Univerzity Karlovy v Praze. (Dříve vycházel ve spolupráci s Přírodovědeckou fakultou Masarykovy univerzity v Brně.) Vychází od roku 1992. V lednu 2014 byl zařazen do Seznamu recenzovaných neimpaktovaných periodik vydávaných v ČR.

    Odborný recenzovaný časopis Učitel matematiky si klade za cíl seznámit pedagogickou i laickou veřejnost s novými podněty přicházejícími z matematiky i didaktiky matematiky, které mají sloužit k zlepšování výuky na základních a středních školách. Publikuje původní odborné recenzované články týkající se nových metodických přístupů k výuce matematiky, historie matematiky, didaktické transformace nových poznatků z matematiky, popularizace matematiky apod. Zařazovány jsou i diskuse k odborné problematice, zprávy o akcích pro učitele matematiky a zadání matematických olympiád.

    Plné texty články jsou s ročním zpožděním uveřejňovány v Czech Digital Mathematical Library: DML-CZ - Czech Digital Mathematics Library 

    Časopis je mediálním partnerem matematické soutěže Pangea.

  • Scientia in educatione

    Scientia in educatione (sciED) is an international biannual peer-reviewed and open-access journal that publishes original research studies. Its main objectives are:

    • To provide a platform for high-quality educational research in STEM subjects, that is, science (biology, environmental studies, geology, physics, and chemistry), technology, engineering and mathematics.

    • To promote both theoretical and empirical research in STEM education, ranging from early childhood to university education.

    • To bridge the gap between research and practice by publishing texts which serve not only to deepen knowledge and provide information about the current state of research, but also as valuable inspirational sources for further research and educational practice.

    The journal scope covers (but is not limited to) reports of STEM-focused research on pupils’ and students’ learning, teaching goals and policy, the use of educational technology, and pre- and in-service teacher education.  

    The journal especially encourages the publication of studies which are of interest to international research communities. Although papers can be published in Czech or Slovak, the journal encourages authors to write in English so that their work is more widely available. The educational research in south- and middle-European countries draws on shared experience in culture and education and therefore sciED seems a good venue for publishing research conducted in these countries. Nevertheless, the sciED editors do not want to limit the scope of the articles and welcome any contributions in which the authors explain their local contexts and demonstrate the significance of their work for a global educational community.

    The journal is aimed at international researchers in STEM education and pedagogy, doctoral and master students, and the expert public. The journal publishes the following types of articles: original research articles, original theoretical studies, surveys and discussion papers. A special issue on a specific topic of interest to the international audience can be suggested by the members of the international editorial board.

    Scientia in educatione respects the COPE Core Practices recommended by the Committee for Publication Ethics (COPE).

    Scientia in educatione does not tolerate plagiarism or other unethical behavior. Editors, authors, and reviewers follow the principles of the COPE Core Practices.

    On August 15, 2014, Scientia in educatione was included in the ERIH PLUS database.
