
Editors of issue 1/2024: Petra Vaňková and Tomáš Jeřábek

The theme of this issue is the role of the teacher in the development of digital competences at all levels of education (from pre-primary to tertiary). A theme that has resonated in recent years in school practice and across all educational institutions and disciplines is the development of digital literacy in pupils and students. This is also due to the fact that a new key competence, digital competence, is being introduced into curriculum documents. For teachers of any subject or field and level of education, this brings the possibility and need for changes in teaching and preparation, monitoring technological trends, and may cause changes in the content of education itself. All of this is linked to the need for teacher support at different levels (from school to state).

The key figure for this challenge is therefore the teacher, or future teacher, and his/her teaching in the context of developing digital literacy in pupils and students. Authors are thus expected to contribute mainly in the following areas:

1. Teacher approaches to the development of digital competences
2. Changes in teaching, resources and content in the light of the inclusion of the key competence digital
3. Methodological support for teachers in developing students' digital competences
4. Technological support for the teacher from the school, the provider and other institutions
5. Contemporary and promising digital technologies in the teaching process (topics focusing on IoT, AI, AR and VR are preferred)
6. Methodological and didactic preparation of future teachers for developing digital competence in their field

If you are interested in publishing your article, please send an abstract and keywords to the journal's address: gramotnost@pedf.cuni.cz by 31 January 2024.

The complete paper will need to be submitted by 31 March 2024, and the review process will take place during April 2024.