Utilization of Robotic Kits in Education


  • PhDr. Daniel Tocháček Faculty of Education, Department of Information Technology and Technical Education, Charles University
  • PhDr. Josef Procházka, Ph.D. Faculty of Education, Department of Information Technology and Technical Education, Charles University
  • PhDr. Jakub Lapeš Faculty of Education, Department of Information Technology and Technical Education, Charles University




robotics, educational robotics, education, fi rst level of primary school, constructivism, constructionism


The article presents a proposal for teaching computer science by teachers in the higher grades of the first level of primary schools, taking into account the revisions of the Framework Education Program for Elementary Education (RVP ZV) with a focus on educational robotics. It includes insights and conclusions from practical applications of this approach. The methodology is based on progressive, interconnected activities using robotic construction kits, primarily aimed at creating initial concepts for the development of algorithmic thinking in primary school students. Emphasis is placed on developing digital literacy and key competencies such as critical thinking, problem-solving, collaboration, and communication. Furthermore, the article addresses the implementation of robotic kits (LEGO WeDo/LEGO Spike Essential) in the training of future and current teachers of the first level of primary school. Constructivist, project-based, and heuristic teaching methods are presented based on the proposed methodology. The article aims to inspire new approaches to education that foster the initial development of computational thinking.


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