The Influence of Reading Strategies on the Development Of Comprehension in Preschool Age


  • PhDr. Eva Koželuhová, Ph.D. Pedagogická fakulta, Katedra preprimární a primární pedagogiky Univerzita Karlova
  • Mgr. Ondřej Koželuh Pedagogická fakulta, Ústav výzkumu a rozvoje vzdělávání Univerzita Karlova



preschool education, reading strategies, preliteracy, text comprehension


The paper deals with the topic of developing the comprehension of preschool children in nursery school to the stories that are read to them. The aim of the research was to fi nd out how the comprehension of the read texts is infl uenced by the intentional use of reading strategies by the teacher in an effort to facilitate children’s comprehension. The survey was conducted in a mixed design. The research sample consisted of children aged 3–6, from 11 kindergartens in the Czech Republic (N = 113). Data were obtained during October and November 2021 through structured participatory observation using an observation sheet, video analysis, and interviews with children’s teachers. The results showed that the use of reading strategies led to an increase
in the development of some dimension of comprehension and overall interest in books and vzděláreading for all children in all age groups monitored. At the same time, reading strategies suitable for children aged 3–4, and also for children aged –-6 were identifi ed.


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