A Teachers’s Influence on Student’s University Choices


  • Bc. Anna Karasová Charles University, Faculty of Education, Department of Psychology
  • PhDr. Anna Frombergerová, Ph.D. Charles University, Faculty of Education, Department of Psychology




This article focuses on the infl uence of the teachers on the choice of university and profession among students in the last year of grammar school. The goal of this research was to find out what role teachers play in students choices about the right university, how they can influence their students in this area and what other factors can infl uence the choice of students. The answers to these questions were provided by the qualitative research. A questionnaire
survey was conducted to select respondents for the interview. From the subsequent interviews, categories were created using thematic analysis. These categories are among the results of this thesis together with additional information from the questionnaire. The main fi nding of the research is that teachers play a relatively large role in student‘s choice of universities, despite the fact that their infl uence is to some extent unconscious among students. The importance for the choice of university and profession is mainly the students’s interest, which can be infl uenced by the characteristics of the teacher and the education style that the given teacher chooses.


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