Aspects of Adolescent Girls’ School Failure in Constitutional Education


  • Mgr. Kristýna Štromajerová Pedagogická fakulta, Katedra biologie a environmentálních studií Univerzita Karlova
  • PhDr. Pavla Presslerová, Ph.D. Pedagogická fakulta, Katedra psychologie Univerzita Karlova



addictology, institutional education, inclusive education, adolescents, dropout, risky behaviour, school performance, upper secondary education


This paper explores the barriers and critical points in the educational trajectories of adolescent girls in residential care who have been placed in a specialist ward with addiction support. The aim of the study was to analyse specifi c factors that hinder or complicate secondar  school studies. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews with female clients, pedagogical staff of the institution for the performance of institutional education, pedagogical staff of the school facilities attended by the clients and parents of the clients. The documentation of the wards where the research participants are placed was also analysed. Based on the analysis of the fi nal battery of data, six main categories were identifi ed as essential for monitoring critical points in the educational trajectory of adolescent girls with substance abuse experience in residential care: self-esteem, fi nancial problems, inappropriate choice of fi eld of study, problems in primary school, style of education, and lack of awareness of classroom teachers.


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