On the Emotional Depth Dimension of Pedagogical Situations in Schools: The search for clues on how to integrate depth psychology orientated self-experience in teacher education


  • Ehrenhard Skiera




teacher education, depth psychology, psychoanalysis, analytical psychology, individual psychology, humanistic psychology.


Although almost every educator knows that the pedagogical space is filled with profound emotions that shape the interactions, it has so far hardly been possible to give the associated questions an appropriate place in teacher education. Nevertheless, there are approaches that attempt to integrate depth psychological aspects into the “normal” teacher education for pre-school, primary and secondary education. Of decisive importance here are those concepts that go beyond theory-based information or teaching and the study of relevant texts in lectures and seminars, and integrate elements of self-reflection and “reflexive self-awareness” curricularly and institutionally. Only by a lively connection of personal experience and reflection can deep psychological knowledge be acquired critically and constructively as well as become practically effective. With regard to the development of concepts for the teaching profession, it would be extremely helpful if the well-known “quarrel of the schools” could be transformed into a creative dialogue, including not only the different psychoanalytical perspectives but also the different approaches within the field of humanistic psychology.

Keywords: teacher education, depth psychology, psychoanalysis, analytical psychology, individual psychology, humanistic psychology.


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