Specific Issues of Implementation of Intervention Programmes to Support the Development of Pre-literacy Skills
alphabetic principle, systematic education, intervention, phoneme awareness, letter knowledge, preschool ageAbstract
This study summarises research findings on intervention programmes (phoneme awareness and knowledge of letters) in preschool children and descriptions of the various forms of the realisation and implementation of these programmes. We present a conceptual and theoretical basis for the construction of developing literacy-oriented programmes and we demonstrate the variability with which these programmes are designed for use in practice and implemented for use in their target groups. Special attention is paid to the issues of implementation as they provide valuable support for possible evaluation in the context of pedagogical-psychological and special pedagogical practice. Separately, we present an overview of findings from international research and research in the Czech and Slovak Republics. In relation to analyses of recent findings and research experience from the Czech Republic, we also present new emerging methodological material for practitioners working in kindergartens.
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